Preservation, innovation, dynamism – 85 years of the Technical Library of the Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC
The Technical Library of the Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC commemorated the 85th anniversary of its establishment in 2019. As the library belongs to one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Hungary, its services have always been characterized by continuous renewal and a proactive approach. The article presents the history of the company, and demonstrates significant developments in its life and in the services of the library. The most recent developments are introduced: to extend online services, to cumulate and preserve the company's knowledge base. Online library loan, the article request system as well as the ways the information provision are developed co-operation with the staff at the company’s different departments.
szakkönyvtár, vállalat, gyógyszeripar, könyvtártörténet, könyvtári rendszer, automatizálás, információs rendszer, online üzemmód, publikálásPublished Online
How to Cite
Hegyi, J., Kovács-Hargitai, N., Nagyné Maros, G. “Preservation, innovation, dynamism – 85 years of the Technical Library of the Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC”, Scientific and Technical Information, 67(7-8), pp. 476–479, 2020.