Two concepts of the semantic net, the new generation of catalogues and the role of libraries
The term ’semantic net’ has got two – closely related but well distinguishable – meanings. The same statement is true for the terms ’semantic technologies’ and ’semantic catalogue’. This duality, if left unreflected upon, can lead to several misunderstandings. The aim of this article is to analyze and clarify the meaning of the above terms, and thereby to help to create the conditions for a fruitful discourse about libraries’ tasks and opportunities concerning the current semantic technologies.
szemantikus web, tudásreprezentáció, adatmodell, könyvtári katalógusPublished Online
How to Cite
Fülöp, E. “Two concepts of the semantic net, the new generation of catalogues and the role of libraries”, Scientific and Technical Information, 65(7-8), pp. 401–408, 2018.