E-books in the library. Part 1
E -content services pose a significant challenge to libraries. In this paper this challenge is examined from various aspects regarding domestic and international practice. In general, the nature of e-books has already been described in a number of studies, so this time the issue of lending e-books in libraries is in the focus. Neither the technological background, nor technical parameters are dealt with, just their impact on the transformation of the library system. E-book lending is a relatively new field abroad too, and in Hungary the subject is rarely discussed in publications. For this reason, Hungarian terminology has not yet emerged, so the terms used have been in most cases translated by the author from an English original.
elektronikus dokumentum, digitális könyvtár, könyvtári kölcsönzésPublished Online
How to Cite
Muzs, K. “E-books in the library. Part 1”, Scientific and Technical Information, 63(1), pp. 3–26, 2016.