Information System as a Tool of Decision Support


  • Martin Straka
    Institute of Logistics, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic, European Union
  • Maroš Fill
    Institute of Logistics, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic, European Union


The article deals with possibilities of creating system for support the activities of logistics systems. This system would serve as a means for decision support. In support of the activities of logistics systems is necessary to implement a large number of decisions. Decisions are realized on different management levels. Any decision on individual levels can cause improvement, respectively aggravation of system operation. The impacts of decisions can have local effect on the overall operation of logistics systems, but may also seriously affect the whole system, positively or negatively. Many experts and scientific literature define and argue that “logistics is only one” and is associated with ensuring of chain “purchase - production - sales”, or “supply - production - distribution”. All other activities are only for ensuring of activities of the main chain. Of course, that without the support activities should the main chain was unable to function effectively. For ensuring main and support activities for logistics needs is possible to use great number of methods from different branches. By joining of methods into one system, it is possible to create a universal program means for support decision and effective operation of logistics systems.


design, decision, logistics, system, methods

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How to Cite

Straka, M., Fill, M. (2017) “Information System as a Tool of Decision Support”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 45(1), pp. 48–52.


