Concept of a Cost-effective Underground Air-propelled Tube-capsule Transport System


  • István László Zádor
    sr. architect, individual inventor, Kassai u. 157/e, 1142 Budapest, Hungary


In our age, due to the rapid development of electronics, information flows at an amazing speed from the point of creation to the place of use, but in addition to electronic data traffic, we would also require physical location change at a similar rate. Due to our accelerated lifestyle, there is a growing need to implement a door-to-door fast delivery system. Current road freight transport accounts for a significant proportion of surface transport, but its efficiency is greatly impaired by congestion on the roads. The potential for road networks to be developed on the surface is limited, raising it above the surface, as is often seen in fantastic films, is impossible without antigravity knowledge, and highways are expensive to construct, the cityscape will be worse, moreover, it is not an aesthetic view from the windows of the buildings.


door to door transport, pipe tunnel track, delivery capsule, air flowing transportation, different level path circles, locked stations, airlock

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How to Cite

Zádor, I. L. (2022) “Concept of a Cost-effective Underground Air-propelled Tube-capsule Transport System”, Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 50(4), pp. 357–360.


