ПОЯВЛЕНИЕ МИКРОТЕХНИКИ И МEХАТРОНИКИ В ТОЧНОЙ МЕХАНИКЕ. Poâvlenie mikrotehniki i mehatroniki v točnoj mehanike
The deve!opment of the microe!ectronics produced such circuits with Iitt!e measure, which саn bе built in the precision devices. The complex mechatronica! units developped simiIar wау will bе аblе to so!ve numerous new type tasks. The paper analizes the connection of the е!есtгonics аs the leading line of industry of the present deve!opment and the precision mechanics and optics. WiII bе investigated the interconnections and brings into the limeIight the effect of Iittle measures and the development of the microtechnology as а background industry.
How to Cite
Hegedűs, I. “ПОЯВЛЕНИЕ МИКРОТЕХНИКИ И МEХАТРОНИКИ В ТОЧНОЙ МЕХАНИКЕ. Poâvlenie mikrotehniki i mehatroniki v točnoj mehanike”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 33(4), pp. 217–226, 1989.