Experimental and FE Modeling of Mixed-Mode Crack Initiation Angle in High Density Polyethylene


  • Abdelwahab Zerrouki
    Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
  • Abdelkader Boulenouar
    Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
  • Mohamed Mazari
    Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
  • Mohamed Benguediab
    Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria


In this paper, an experimental and a numerical analysis were carried out using High density polyethylene (HDPE). Sheets with an initial central crack (CCT specimens) inclined with a given angle are investigated and compared to the loading direction. The kinking angle is experimentally predicted and numerically evaluated under mixed mode (I+II), as a function of the strain energy density (SED) around the crack-tip, using the Ansys Parametric Design Language (APDL).According to the experimental observations and numerical analysis, the plan of crack propagation is perpendicular to the loading direction. Moreover, as suggested by Sih in the framework of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), the minimum values Sminof the factor S are reached at the points corresponding to the crack propagation direction. These results suggest that the concept of the strain energy- density factor can be used as an indicator of the crack propagation direction.


strain energy density, mixed mode, HDPE, crack initiation

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How to Cite

Zerrouki, A., Boulenouar, A., Mazari, M., Benguediab, M. “Experimental and FE Modeling of Mixed-Mode Crack Initiation Angle in High Density Polyethylene”, Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 62(2), pp. 110–117, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3311/PPme.10950


